A summary of a variety of data-centric presentations made to audiences varying from 10 to 150 attendees. Content varies from corporate to academic materials, from formal scientific presentations to routine webinars.
O’Neill, J.,2008. High scale performance tuning Initiate MDE. Three day training seminar.
O’Neill, J., 2005 – 2006. Technical Overview; Quickshift for MS SQL Server Briefings. Presented via a monthly webinar series.
O’Neill, Jr., J. A., 2003. Merging Strategic Marketing Planning and Technical Product Development Using a Risk-Driven Process Model to Improve Short-Cycle Product Development. Presented at the Executive Engineering Management Summer Workshop.
O’Neill, Jr., J. A., 2002. Enhancing Organizational Communication by Visualizing the Matrix Scheduling Theory. Presented at the Executive Engineering Management Summer Workshop.
O’Neill, Jr., J. A., 1995. The Separation of the PGEs by Cation Exchange Prior to Analysis by USN-ICP-MS. Presented at the 1995 Annual Meeting of The Geological Society of America.
The majority of the scientific publications listed below were the work product of laboratory process development conducted during my thesis work at the University of Notre Dame. The second and third authorship credits are attributions to the processes I developed which were used extensively following the completion of my work.
Wang-Stockton, S., O’Neill, J., 2005. IT Strategies that will Boost Server Performance. Enterprise Network and Servers, Vol. 11 No. 4, 20.
O’Neill, Jr., J. A., 2003. Organizational Spiral Planning: Unifying Business and Engineering Product Development Processes. MSE Thesis, University of Texas at Austin.
O’Neill, Jr., J. A., 2002. Enhancing Organizational Communication by Visualizing the Matrix Scheduling Theory. MSE research project, University of Texas at Austin, 31 pp.
Ely, J.C., Neal, C.R., O’Neill, J.A. Jr., Jain, J.C., 1999. Quantifying the platinum group elements (PGEs) and gold in geological samples using cation exchange pretreatment and ultrasonic nebulization inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USN-ICP-MS). Chemical Geology 157, 219-234.
Neal C.R., Ely J.C., O’Neill J.A., and Jain J.C., 1997. Determination of platinum group elements (PGEs) and gold (Au) in silicate rock matrixes using ultrasonic nebulization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (USN-ICP-MS): A cation exchange method to replace NiS fire assay. 4th Australasian Symposium on Applied ICP-Mass Spectrometry, MacQuarie University, Sydney Australia, 11-15 May.
Snyder G.A., Neal C.R., O’Neill J.A., Jain J.C., and Taylor L.A., 1997. Platinum-group elements (PGEs) and Gold (Au) in the lunar regolith: Routine analysis by ultrasonic nebulization-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVIII, 1353-1354.
Jain, J.C., Neal, C.R., O’Neill, J.A. Jr., 1996. Origin of the Ontong Java Plateau OJP at the core–mantle boundary: platinum group element (PGE) and gold (Au) evidence. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, EOS 77, 714.
O’Neill, J.A. Jr., Neal, C.R., Jain, J.C., 1996. Addressing Heterogeneous Distribution and Trace Abundances of Platinum Group Elements (PGEs) and gold (Au) in silicate rock matrixes: quantitative analyses using Ultrasonic Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (USN-ICP-MS). Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, EOS 77, 772.
O’Neill, Jr., J.A., 1996. Development of an ICP-MS analytical technique for the quantification of the platinum group elements (PGEs) and gold in geological samples using cation exchange pretreatment. MS Thesis, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, 122 pp.
Jain, J.C., O’Neill, J.A. Jr., Neal, C.R., Mahoney, J.J., Petterson, M.G., 1995. Siderophile elements in Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs): origin of the Ontong Java Plateau at the core–mantle boundary? Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, EOS 76, 700.
O’Neill J. A. Jr., Neal C. R., and Jain J. C. (1995) Determination of platinum group elements and gold by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry following separation by cation exchange. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
O’Neill, Jr., J.A., 1995. Trace Element Analysis of Groundwater Samples from Northern Indiana by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). MS Directed Studies, University of Notre Dame, 53 pp.