I was given a specimen of Ebenavia inunguis by a fellow hobbyist. This interesting little nocturnal micro gecko is shy – so shy, I have only seen in once in over 6 months since I released it into a large vivarium. I have a 36″x18″x36″ dart frog vivarium housing about a dozen Ranitomeya summersi – this was a nice enclosure to add a gecko to, so in the Ebenavia inunguis went. I caught a glimpse of it during a heavy pruning of the viv, and snapped a series of photos that are captured on this page.
I’ll add to this page over time as I hopefully capture more photos. I won’t replicate detailed data on this species – care sheets have been created for them already, so follow the interesting links below for more details.
Interesting links
- https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/178299/7517291
- http://dwarfgeckos.com/other_dwarf/e_i/ebenavia_inunguis.php
Ebenavia inunguis information
IUCN current lists Ebenavia inunguis as “least concern”.