2014 Fall – Kid Creations Made at Home

December 2014

Darrock worked so hard creating the (8!) tags for my Christmas presents that he gets the feature this month:


And a great letter from Shannon:


Shannon made these and hung them on the Christmas tree (the blue one has a pocket in back):

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The kids both made us Christmas cards, the first 2 are the front and back of Shannon’s card and the 3rd pic is Darrock’s card:

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Here are 2 impressive works of art from Darrock. When I asked him if the first (so elaborate and time consuming to make!) was a house full of cobwebs, he said, “No, they are babies!” The 2nd picture is from the Monsters vs. Aliens movie:

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Shannon made these 2 pics based on new movies from Santa:

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Shannon created this little game to help Darrock count to 100 (he can now count to 200 and beyond, perhaps helped along by this little game). It’s 100 slips of paper with numbers 1-100. They sort them. Of course, we have number flash cards, but I guess it’s a lot more fun and educational if you create it yourself!


A few more holiday (Christmas and New Year) break creations: Shannon’s apology card to Darrock, Darrock’s Christmas tree (next to a landslide!), Shannon’s fire pit (which Darrock hung on the fridge – so sweet!), and finally Shannon’s spin-wheel which she ultimately rolled up and used as a wand:

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Some other miscellaneous creations:

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October 2014

A few pics from Darrock. The 3rd one had quite an elaborate story which I unfortunately do not remember now!

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A little message from Shannon, followed by Shannon and Mom’s Halloween picture offered up to Darrock and Daddy as a get well card. We hung it on the fridge for a while: All the work on the right is Shannon’s and the work on the left is a mix from Shannon and Mom:

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