Extracting data with Excel VBA from SVMON output

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This is a small Excel VBA script I wrote to pull the SVMON memory statistics for a specific PID that contains concatenated SVMON output. I’ve had to modify this script a few times depending on what customer was collecting data and how they wrote it out to a text file. Some customers (and sometimes different people at the same customer site) used time stamps, while others did not. I have not automated all of the parsing, instead I commented out different sections as necessary.

Sub parseSVMON()
‘set variables
Dim rawLOG As String, rawLOGpath As String, splitArray() As String
pathFull = "C:\workspace\MDS_field\wellpoint\EPDS\2014-06-10-ToroLabTest\2014-06-12-pingN\svmon_ping.out"
Set objrawLOG = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
rawLOGpath = objrawLOG.GetFile(pathFull).ParentFolder.path & "\"

‘setup clean files
srcCSV = Dir(objrawLOG.GetFile(pathFull).ParentFolder.path & "\")
Do While srcCSV <> ""
tempFILE = rawLOGpath & "\" & srcCSV & ""
If srcCSV Like "svmonClean.txt" Then
Set delFILE = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
delFILE.Deletefile tempFILE, True
End If
srcCSV = Dir
fnameLOGclean = "svmonClean.txt"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objCLEAN = objFSO.CreateTextFile(rawLOGpath & "\" & fnameLOGclean, 1)
‘objCLEAN.WriteLine "date/time,PID,inuse,free,pin,virtual"
objCLEAN.WriteLine "PID,inuse,free,pin,virtual"

‘setup dictionary
Dim ixnDIC As New Dictionary
ixnDIC.Add "month", ""
ixnDIC.Add "day", ""
ixnDIC.Add "year", ""
ixnDIC.Add "time", ""
ixnDIC.Add "PID", ""

‘loop through mlg files
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objrawLOG = objFSO.OpenTextFile(pathFull, 1)
Do Until objrawLOG.AtEndOfStream
txnstring = objrawLOG.ReadLine

‘If txnstring Like "*:*" Then
‘ ixnDIC.Item("month") = "": ixnDIC.Item("day") = ""
‘ ixnDIC.Item("year") = "": ixnDIC.Item("time") = ""
‘ ixnDIC.Item("month") = splitArray(Val(1))
‘ ixnDIC.Item("day") = splitArray(Val(2))
‘ ixnDIC.Item("year") = splitArray(Val(3))
‘ ixnDIC.Item("time") = splitArray(Val(5))
‘End If
If txnstring Like "*mpinet_wellpo*" Then
tempstring = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(txnstring)
splitArray() = Split(tempstring, " ")
ixnDIC.Item("PID") = ixnDIC.Item("PID") & splitArray(Val(0)) & "," ‘pid
ixnDIC.Item("PID") = ixnDIC.Item("PID") & splitArray(Val(2)) & "," ‘inuse
ixnDIC.Item("PID") = ixnDIC.Item("PID") & splitArray(Val(3)) & "," ‘free
ixnDIC.Item("PID") = ixnDIC.Item("PID") & splitArray(Val(4)) & "," ‘pin
ixnDIC.Item("PID") = ixnDIC.Item("PID") & splitArray(Val(5)) & "," ‘virtual
‘CLNstring = ixnDIC.Item("month") & " " & _
‘ ixnDIC.Item("day") & " " & _
‘ ixnDIC.Item("year") & " " & _
‘ ixnDIC.Item("time") & "," & _
‘ ixnDIC.Item("PID")
CLNstring = ixnDIC.Item("PID")
objCLEAN.WriteLine CLNstring
CLNstring = ""
ixnDIC.Item("PID") = ""
End If

End Sub


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